About Me

Christ follower, husband, father, minister, musician.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Worship & Sin

Sin and worship are opposites. Sin separates us from God and destroys our relationship with him. Worship connects us with God and renews our relationship with him. Even when we sin against others, we're not honoring God, which means that we're doing the opposite of what He has called us to do. And Grace is the gift that covers our sin and allows us to Worship. It is Grace that lets us enter God's throne room. It is grace that has caused the reunion between Father and child. It is grace that has saved us through Jesus Christ and is sacrifice of mercy. And it is Grace that allows us to return back to our Father when we sin. Not that we should keep on sinning so Grace can increase. But we must keep worshiping and giving honor and glory to the source and giver of that Grace. We must never take for granted the intimate relationship that God wants to have with us. Even when He is just and wrathful, his mercy and grace are still available for us and allow us to repent and return to Him.

The difference between SIN and SING is one G. Let that G be Grace.

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