About Me

Christ follower, husband, father, minister, musician.

Friday, June 04, 2010

Pivotal Worship Songs

A friend of mine had were having a conversation a few weeks ago about the most influential worship songs.  Which songs were globally influential in the past 40 years or so since the "contemporary" worship songwriting came on the scene in the 70s.   This is not to exclude many great songs and song writers, but I'm wondering what the top ones would be.  Sort of a Top 10 of all time list, or an "All Century" list or something like that.

I obviously have not been around forever, and there are many who would know which early songs may be missing.  So help me out!  There are definately songs that are sort of benchmark expressions of where we have been as a worship community.  I'm wondering if we can pinpoint what the songs are, would they be representative of how we've grown and augmented our music, theologically, lyrically & musically?  Hmm....

Here's what I came up with in chronological order.  What do you think? Do any not deserve to be on there?  Are there others that are missing? 

Seek Ye First (1972)
I Exalt Thee (1977)
More Precious than Silver (1982)
As the Deer (1984)
Lord I Lift Your Name on High (1989)
Shout to the Lord (1995)
He Knows My Name (1996)
Open the Eyes of my Heart (1997)
Come, Now is the Time to Worship (1998)
The Heart of Worship (1999)
God of Wonders (2000)
Here I Am to Worship (2000)
How Great Is Our God (2004)
Mighty To Save (2006)
Hosanna (2006)

In later posts, I hope to refine this list and then do some exploring.  If you're reading this, I'd love to get some help and thoughts!


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