About Me

Christ follower, husband, father, minister, musician.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Weekend

Easter is always great.  Many say it's the epitome of what your church could be in the future.  The energy, the enthusiasm, the extra-full seats - it is exciting.  At our church we often comment that each week should be "Easter" because each week we celebrate a Risen Lord.  But still, Easter is Easter.  We step it up.  We make it special.  We add musicians, ushers, danishes, and ties. If we had a pipe organ, we'd pull out all the stops (google it).

And it should be.  Christians have a day NO ONE else has.  On Christmas we celebrate birth.  On Good Friday we celebrate the death of One for the life of ALL.  On Easter we celebrate victory over Death, Life Everlasting, and no other truth is greater than that.  It's not a hope, it's a guarantee.  It's not an "If/ then" it's a "because/then." There's no more to do.  There's nothing left to prove.  We just need to believe.  Believe.  Is it that hard? Yes.  Impossible? Not with God. A paradox? Sure.  Worth it? Absolutely. It's reasonable and beyond all reason.  It's simple and beyond comprehension.  It's the LOVE from He who Loves to those He Loves, the unlovable.  We don't deserve it, can't earn it, can't repay it.  So God gave it.  Amazing.

Check out Greg Bondurant's message from Easter.  http://bit.ly/kOumae
It's entitled "My Perspective" from the series "Back From The Dead."  The truth is, the Resurrection changes EVERYTHING, including our perspective.

And here's the opening song we shared to begin our Easter services.  It's not perfect, but it was a perfect way to begin the day.  We are all Poor and Powerless, and Jesus died for each of us.

WCC Easter 2011 Opening "All The Poor & Powerless" from John Chilcote on Vimeo.

The song is by Sons & Daughters (www.sonsanddaughtersmusic.com @sanddmusic) and the videos are by www.shiftworship.com and @chrisacheson

The greatest day in History.  Death is beaten, you have rescued me.  Sing it out: Jesus is alive!  Christ The Lord is Risen Today, Allelujah!

1 comment:

smooth said...

hey john that was a great blog! the video you said wasn't perfect but it was pretty close. the production of it went well. it is a beautiful song. great job to all who help with this video!!!